THe Packages We OFFER

  • Focuses on ideation and basic startup milestones - crafting problem statement, mission statement, and an early version of the lean canvas.

    This is specifically designed for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to get started into action with next steps. This comprises of the following milestones.

    Milestone I — 2-3 meetings

    • Hone into your idea.

    • Formulate hypothesis statements and pain points.

    Milestone II — 3-4 meetings

    • Get started with your lean canvas.

    • List risks and assumptions.

    What You Will Gain: A dedicated hands-on coach to partner with you and ensure the following key learnings and takeaways:

    1. Idea refinement and validation.

    2. Hypothesis formulation.

    3. Lean canvas development.

    4. Risk and assumption identification.


    1. Idea Refinement: Transform a vague concept for a productivity app into a clearly defined problem-solution fit.

    2. Hypothesis Statement: Develop a testable hypothesis like "Freelancers struggle with time management and would pay for an AI-powered scheduling tool."

    3. Lean Canvas: Create a one-page business model canvas outlining key partners, activities, resources, value propositions, customer segments, and revenue streams.

    Refer to example case studies here to learn more.

  • Focuses on customer discovery milestones such as defining user profiles, validating the idea with anywhere from 10 to 100 potential users, identifying top 3 major customers, and articulating your differentiation clearly.

    This is specifically designed for those of you, that have already narrowed down your idea, and looking to validate it with potential customers in a target market. This comprises of the following milestones.

    Milestone I — 5-6 meetings

    • Identify target market and user profiles.

    • Solidify pain points per user profile, and determine customer research strategy (interviews, scripts, pain point validation).

    • Identify candidates to conduct user interviews with, for each user profile and set you up for these interviews.

    Milestone II — 5-6 meetings

    • Build out and review your lean canvas.

    • Hone in to your differentiation.

    • Validate risks and assumptions with target user profiles and market.

    What You Will Gain: A dedicated hands-on coach to partner with you and ensure the following key learnings and takeaways:

    1. Target market and user profile identification.

    2. Customer research strategy development.

    3. Pain point validation.

    4. Differentiation strategy.


    1. User Profiles: Create detailed personas for target users, such as "Miranda, a 35-year-old marketing manager struggling with remote team collaboration."

    2. Customer Research: Develop a structured interview script to validate pain points with potential users.

    3. Differentiation Strategy: Identify unique selling points, like "AI-powered team productivity insights not offered by competitors."

    Refer to example case studies here to learn more.

  • Focuses on your technical and business milestones. The technical milestone is to achieve an early version of your product/solution, that's been tested with target users and is resonating well with them, enough to convince them to pay for it.

    The business milestone comprises of a well written business plan.

    This is specifically designed for those of you, who've gained initial interest in the target market and with potential customers, and want to test different solutions to narrow down on what to build, figure out pricing that works and develop a detailed business plan.

    Milestone I — 7-8 meetings

    • Review insights learned through customer discovery.

    • Hone in your differentiation and MVP (Minimum Viable Product) through solution prototyping.

    • Solutions testing and validation through surveys and interviews.

    Milestone II — 9-10 meetings

    • Build out and review your lean canvas.

    • Identify product development milestones and costs associated, for your first version of product (MVP).

    • Identify pricing strategy and test pricing tiers with potential customers.

    • Formulate and develop a thorough business plan.

    What You Will Gain: A dedicated hands-on coach to partner with you and ensure the following key learnings and takeaways:

    1. Comprehensive startup strategy development.

    2. MVP design and prototyping.

    3. Business plan and pricing strategy.


    1. MVP Design: Create a wireframe for a minimum viable product that addresses core user needs.

    2. Solution Testing: Test different combinations of feature offerings, and solution variants to identify the ones that resonate the most with potential customers.

    3. Pricing Strategy: For the solutions that resonate the most with potential customers, identify pricing tiers that work the best through user testing and develop a pricing that works.

  • Focuses on your business plan, identifying the business model, pricing tiers for what you are trying to sell, and put together the financials in prep to seek funding from investors and venture capitalists.

    This is specifically designed for those of you who've already developed an early product and tested it with potential customers. And now want to focus on the business milestones and pricing strategy.

    Milestone I — 5-6 meetings

    • Review your pitch deck and provide feedback.

    • Identify pivots if needed and determine next steps accordingly.

    Milestone II — 3-4 meetings

    • Develop the business plan, hone into your business model, identify team needed to build the business, and prep financials for investor meetings.

    What You Will Gain: A dedicated hands-on coach to partner with you and ensure the following key learnings and takeaways:

    1. Business model development.

    2. Pricing strategy.

    3. Financial projections.

    4. Team structure planning.


    1. Business Model: Develop a detailed subscription-based SaaS model with tiered pricing.

    2. Financial Projections: Create a 3-year financial forecast including revenue, expenses, and cash flow.

    3. Team Planning: Outline a hiring roadmap for key roles needed to scale the business.

  • Focuses on enabling you as a solopreneur or team members if you are a startup team to craft your pitch deck, practice your story telling and nail your pitch.

    Pitch Prep is to walk you all the way through narrowing down your idea, solution hypothesis, pain point validation, customer research and market research strategy, and telling the entire story in the form of a pitch.

    This is specifically designed for those of you who've tested your idea with early customers and discovered market interest. Now you want to put together your story and idea into a powerful pitch and find avenues to pitch it to customers and investors.

    Milestone I — 2-3 meetings

    • Quickly revisit and understand your idea, hypothesis, target market, target user profiles and their pain points.

    • Review your risks and assumptions, results from market testing and validation.

    • Understand your team, story telling strengths and gap areas.

    Milestone II — 3-5 meetings

    • Transform your startup story into a pitch deck for potential investors, and funding.

    • Prep you to pitch at various startup incubators, investors and accelerators.

    What You Will Gain: A dedicated hands-on coach to partner with you and ensure the following key learnings and takeaways:

    1. Comprehensive startup strategy development.

    2. Pitch deck creation.

    3. Pitch presentation skills.


    1. Pitch Deck: Develop a compelling 10-slide pitch deck highlighting the problem, solution, market size, and growth strategy.

    2. Investor Pitch: Practice and refine a 5-minute pitch presentation for potential investors or accelerators.

  • Focuses on go-to-market strategies, launch events, and workshops to ensure a successful product launch. This package is designed for startups ready to introduce their product or service to the market. It comprises the following milestones.

    Milestone I — 5-6 meetings

    • Develop a Go-to-Market Strategy: Identify the best channels and tactics to reach your target audience.

    • Plan Launch Events: Organize and execute launch events to create buzz and attract initial users.

    • Workshop Sessions: Conduct workshops to train your team on product features, customer engagement, and sales techniques.

    Milestone II — 5-6 meetings

    • Execute Marketing Campaigns: Launch marketing campaigns across identified channels.

    • Monitor and Optimize: Track the performance of your launch activities and make necessary adjustments.

    • Customer Onboarding: Develop a seamless onboarding process to ensure a positive initial experience for new users.

    What You Will Gain: A dedicated hands-on coach to partner with you and ensure the following key learnings and takeaways:

    • Go-to-Market Strategy Development: Craft a comprehensive plan to introduce your product to the market.

    • Event Planning and Execution: Learn how to organize and execute impactful launch events.

    • Marketing Campaign Management: Gain skills in running and optimizing marketing campaigns.

    • Customer Onboarding Techniques: Develop effective onboarding processes to retain new users.


    • Go-to-Market Plan: Create a detailed plan outlining your target audience, marketing channels, and key messaging.

    • Launch Event: Organize a virtual launch event with industry influencers and media coverage.

    • Marketing Campaign: Develop and execute a social media campaign to generate excitement and drive initial sale.

    Refer to example case studies here to learn more.

  • This is for aspiring and existing entrepreneurs who've been able to get started with their idea and initial pitch deck and are trying to raise additional rounds of funding, to grow and accelerate their business.

    Milestone I — 4-5 meetings

    • Identify and discuss potential investment strategies and opportunities.

    • Network and connect with 4-6 investors to raise capital for your next stage of startup growth.

    What You Will Gain: A dedicated hands-on coach to partner with you and ensure the following key learnings and takeaways:

    1. Investment strategy development.

    2. Networking with 4-6 potential investors.

    3. Capital raising techniques.

    4. Growth acceleration planning.


    1. Investment Strategy: Develop a plan to raise a seed round of $500,000 through angel investors.

    2. Investor Networking: Create a targeted list of potential investors and develop personalized outreach strategies.

    3. Growth Planning: Outline a strategy to use raised capital for marketing expansion and product development.

  • Focuses on strategies for scaling operations, expanding market reach, and optimizing business processes. This package is designed for startups that have achieved initial success and are looking to grow further. It comprises the following milestones.

    Milestone I — 5-6 meetings

    • Scale Operations: Identify and implement processes to scale your operations efficiently.

    • Market Expansion: Develop strategies to enter new markets and expand your customer base.

    • Optimize Business Processes: Streamline operations to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

    Milestone II — 5-6 meetings

    • Growth Hacking Techniques: Implement innovative strategies to accelerate growth.

    • Partnership Development: Identify and establish strategic partnerships to enhance your market presence.

    • Performance Metrics: Set up key performance indicators (KPIs) to track growth and performance.

    What You Will Gain: A dedicated hands-on coach to partner with you and ensure the following key learnings and takeaways:

    • Operational Scaling: Learn how to scale your business operations effectively.

    • Market Expansion Strategies: Develop plans to enter new markets and grow your customer base.

    • Process Optimization: Streamline business processes for better efficiency.

    • Growth Hacking: Implement innovative strategies to drive rapid growth.

    • Partnership Development: Establish strategic partnerships to enhance market presence.


    • Operational Scaling: Develop a plan to automate key business processes to handle increased demand.

    • Market Expansion: Create a strategy to enter a new geographic market or target a new customer segment.

    • Growth Hacking: Implement a referral program to encourage word-of-mouth marketing and accelerate user acquisition.

how WE work

Flexible Coaching Packages for Every Stage of Your Startup Journey

Don’t see what you’re looking for? At Sapodilla, we understand that every startup's journey is unique. That's why we've designed our coaching packages to be flexible and modular, allowing you to choose the support you need exactly when you need it.

We are also open to your ideas and would love to customize our services to your specific situation.

Our Modular Approach

You can start with a specific package and decide to add-on the others as it fits your startup journey.

You can customize your packages in the following ways for example:

  1. Starting from scratch? Begin with our hypothesis package and work your way up.

  2. Already have 200 signups and an MVP? Jump straight into our Scale package.

  3. Creating a medical device? You might skip Solution Prototyping and focus on other remaining stages.

  4. New to the business world? Our hypothesis package is designed to be approachable for everyone, even those without a commercial or business background.

Flexible Pricing Options

  • Save by bundling: Get 50% off when you purchase more than 5 packages upfront.

  • Try before you commit: Start with one package and get 10% off your next if you decide to continue.

  • Easy upgrades: Loved your current package? We'll offer you a special discount on the next one.

Not Sure Where to Start?

Book a free 30-minute consultation with our experts. We'll help you identify the perfect starting point for your unique startup journey. Remember, at Sapodilla, we're committed to making expert startup coaching accessible to all founders. Your success is our success!